Green energy

Wind Farm de Frasnes-lez-Anvaing

Eoly plans the construction of 3 wind turbines in Frasnes-lez-Anvaing reaching 150m high and providing enough green electricity for 6900 families annually.

With a capacity of 13.8MW, the farm will eventually be able to supply green energy to around 6,900 households per year, while reducing 6,700 tonnes of CO2 emissions!
Wind turbines
1 m
Construction date
April 2022 0
MW/wind turbine
Ready for use
October 1000
gondel met correct logo3

Join Eoly Cooperative and invest in the future!

As a cooperant, you will be helping to build Belgium’s future energy landscape. In return, you get a say in our projects and a share of the profits from our wind turbines. Eoly Cooperative aims for a return of around 4%.This is more than what you would get from a savings account. Then, should you change your mind, you can pull out any year.  

Always looking for suitable locations

Do you own a plot of open land in an agricultural or industrial area, or an industrial building with a spacious but unused roof? Your property could be the ideal spot for a wind turbine or solar panels, thereby literally helping you build a greener energy landscape for future generations. Get in touch and we will look into your proposal, no strings attached. 


Frequently asked questions

How green is wind energy?
Do turbines generate more energy than their construction requires?
Does a wind turbine affect local fauna and flora?