As a member-owner (*), you can submit an exit request or a request for the company to partially repurchase your shares. By law, such a request needs to be submitted during the first six months of the fiscal year (which equals a calendar year) for an exit to be able to take place during that same fiscal year. In practice, this means that exit requests need to be submitted between 1 January and 30 June. To submit an exit request to the Board of Directors, send it to Eoly Cooperative’s registered office (Edingensesteenweg 196, 1500 Halle, Belgium) by registered mail.(*) According to the law ‘Tot wijziging van verscheidene wetsbepalingen inzake de voogdij over Minderjarigen’ (‘Amendment of Several Legal Provisions Pertaining to the Guardianship of Minors’) of 29 April 2001, parents wishing to sell moveable assets owned by their child must first obtain authorisation from the Justice of the Peace. Shares in the cooperative officially owned by a minor are considered moveable assets and are therefore covered by this law. If shares are in the name of a minor, the minor can only exit the cooperative once the Justice of the Peace has authorised this. Authorisation can be requested by submitting a petition to the registry of the Justice of the Peace of the judicial canton the minor resides in. A registration fee of €27 must be paid upon submission of a petition. The Justice of the Peace will grant authorisation if they are of the opinion that the request is in the best interests of the minor. As a result, any parent(s) submitting a request for authorisation need(s) to cite the reason(s) why they wish to sell the minor’s moveable assets. The request also needs to demonstrate that the sale would be in the minor’s best interests.